Jon Allured

Computer Programmer, Whiskey Drinker, Comic Book Reader

Week in Review: Week 15, 2021

published 04/18/21

This week was graduation time at Jack's Karate studio and he did great! He didn't get the next belt but that's ok. They earn points for doing chores at home and then can get recognized for that in addition to the actual moves they're working on. He had been doing a good job with this and ended up placing third in terms of these points. That got him an award plus a medal and he was super proud. I'm not tearing up, you are!


Next Week

Now that I've shipped a post about my [lab notebook][] project I want to get back to a couple things I've been wanting to add, namely tags. Middleman supports this but I've not really tinkered with it before. I think this will be a nice way to find related notes.

Then after that I wanna setup something so that I can easily search through the notes. This is a bit tricker because it'll involve some tech - maybe Elasticsearch? Need to do more pondering/research.

Friday I get my second shot and I'm super excited to be fully vaccinated. I expect to feel a little sick from it based on what people have said and that the first one knocked me back a bit.