Jon Allured

Computer Programmer, Whiskey Drinker, Comic Book Reader

Week in Review: Week 25, 2021

published 06/27/21

This week I was able to spend some time poking at Apache log files and learned a lot more about how they work and what parts of the logged data I'm interested in. What I have is a folder on S3 with daily log files. I pulled them down to my local machine and then used a couple Ruby gems to inflate, parse and filter them. There is a lot of noise in these files so the filtering part took the most time - more time than I had anticipated for sure!

So that's where things stand - I've got a script that I used to slice and dice down a file of data into what appears to be the signal from the noise. Where I want to get to is a weekly email that shows me how my sites are doing. Connecting pieces to achieve this goal would be the next step.


Next Week

We're headed to visit family for the 4th of July so I probably won't have too much time to work on things. I'm really looking forward to the break from normal life; the haze of this last year of pandemic life is lifting more each time we take a trip. I'm very grateful to be able to reconnect with people in person!