Week in Review: Week 6, 2021
published 02/14/21
This week was very cold and Jack only had two days of school. The new Mario game came out and that's been fun.
- worked 40:00 even, 0:00 PTO taken
- published Pudding Time 14 - Cow Farts
- 14 GitHub issues and PRs created
- a new engineer started on my team and it's been so fun
Next Week
Looks like we'll be warming up a bit here in Minnesota so that's nice. Monday is Presidents Day and the three of us all have off so the plan is to play the new Mario game all day. Oscar goes to the vet this week and we have family retro on Friday.
At work it's the second week of the sprint so that means retro/grooming/planning. I have a couple interviews setup and my calendar is full of meetings on Tuesday so protecting time will be important as usual!