Jon Allured

Computer Programmer, Whiskey Drinker, Comic Book Reader

Blocks in JavaScript; HATEOAS in Rails; Davey's turbux; watchr for Ruby Koans; Using a Single Ampersand

published 01/11/12

If Yehuda Katz has it his way, JavaScript would get blocks and he supports his position with some examples.

A lot of this was over my head because the most interesting things I've done with JavaScript mostly involve DOM manipulation and some effects. I've never needed to work with JavaScript prototypes and have just a little experience with making an Object to encapsulate functionality. Still, this was an interesting read.

Actually the thing that stood out the most here was the use of try...finally in JavaScript - never knew you could do that! Looked it up and this clause works just like the ensure in Ruby's begin...rescue statements.

Klabnik demonstrates how to implement HATEOAS in a Rails app using the Draper gem for the Presenter Pattern.

Fellow Rocketeer Josh Davey just released turbux and wrote up a post announcing it - with a video and everything! We've been using this for a while in the office and I really like this workflow. If you use tmux this is a must-have.

Another Rocketeer Adam Lowe reminded me about watchr and at the same time points out that its use would make doing the Ruby Koans much more pleasant. Good call.

Pan Thomakos explores the uses of the single ampersand operator, divided into two categories: the Binary Ampersand and the Unary Ampersand.

For the Binary Ampersand, most of the uses he reviews are weird and seem pretty theoretical. Not sure where one would use most of them. But the second example was pretty neat:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] & [1, 2, 6] # => [1, 2]

So, this returns a collection of the common elements between the two collections. Its just defined on Array, but I guess I never noticed it.

Then shit gets pretty real with the Unary Ampersand. He actually starts by describing Blocks and Procs in a way that I found really easy to understand. Again, some of this was pretty heady for me, but I did find something that I though was really cool. If you have a thing that you're doing as a map you can use a Proc with the Unary Ampersand to reduce duplication:

# this
[1,2,3].map{ |x| x*2 }
[4,5,6].map{ |x| x*2 }

# can refactor to this
multiply ={ |x| x*2 }

So that's pretty cool. You can also define to_proc on an object and then pass that object.